Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Blog Curves

Hi everyone,

I just published a new blog post, which I started a while back. So it posted on the date I began it. So scroll back until you see a pic of a puppy - that's it - the new blog post.

I guess it's a bit like the healing process. You start something. You make progress and then it can feel like you took a couple of steps backwards. We call this last aspect a healing crisis. It refers to the times when you feel worse than you when you started with a treatment. But soon after, your healing progress jumps by leaps and bounds.

Build up of scar tissue sometimes requires this. Scar tissue really inhibits movement and range of motion at joints. Massage effectively reduces scar tissue - even older scar tissue. The treatment can at times be pretty intense for a very short time, but the results are very worth the process.

We often hear clients speak of old injuries that nothing can be done about. We can make a difference with many of these injuries, particularly if scar tissue is involved. So if you've got something going on - check it out with a bodyworker. We have different tools and perspectives than many allopathic practitioners.

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